Klimt once said: … ” Whoever wants to know something about me… as an artist, the only notable thing – ought to look carefully at my pictures and try to see in them what I am and what I want to do.” As Gustav Klimt I don’t have the gift of neither the spoken nor the written word, especially if I have to say something about myself or my work.
I experience my art as a response of my experiences, people and life. Each piece develops as a deep, evolutionary process, expressing my personal/spiritual journey and the emotional vicissitudes of beingness. The only pattern I have is to follow my instincts, I allow my inner self to express myself, freely, just letting it flow.
I believe in art as magic, as a way of expression, as a healing process, as a tool to know yourself. My greatest desire is to show people this powerful art tool through my art and share with them my vision of it as part of a healing process for anyone who needs it, and who needs to express their instincts, through an intuitive art.
Veronica Estremadoyro……. Expressive and Intuitive Artist